Paul Bartlett Very Pleased to Talk with Students at SMP Santa Theresia Depok – Students of Saint Therese Junior High School (SMP Santa Theresia Depok) had on November 26, 2022 a small talk with Paul Bartlett, an advisor at Indonesia’s ministry. Paul was invited as the native speaker at one-day English Club session, for one and a half hours on Saturday.

Paul said he has ever worked as government’s advisor at trade ministry, Bappenas (the national development planning agency), finance ministry, and communication ministry.

In the opening, Paul was welcomed by Bu Leni (master of ceremony/MC), who is also English teacher, followed by message delivered by Elisabet Rachmawati Maly, S. Pd, headmistress of Saint Therese Junior High School.

Then Mr. Simon Zelotes, Chairman of Yohanes Paulus Depok Foundation, welcomed Paul with high appreciation, as Paul is his friend and colleague at the ministry. After his retirement from said ministry, Simon was promoted to lead Yohanes Paulus Depok Foundation.

Simon told that it was very nice to meet Paul again, and he was very happy as Paul responded his invitation, to visit Saint Therese Junior High School and have a talk with students.

Pius Sani Herin, advisor of Yohanes Paulus Depok Foundation, revealed his concern. “Mr. Paul come to teach us how to speak English well. And slowly we make this school excellent in English,” said Pius.

Romanus Muda Kota, supervisor of foundation, encouraged students to be brave in speaking English. “Mr. Paul comes to help you in speaking English. So don’t be worry. Set up your spirit in English, start from yourself. Don’t be afraid to make a false in English. It is the moment for you to show your English skill, share your dream, opinion,” said Romanus for motivating students.

“It is really pleasure to come to this school, to meet you, young people, the future for Indonesia,” Paul said after talking and answered many questions from students.

Some 14 students asked Paul. They asked about favorite destination, Paul’s family, job, favorite food, and struggle.

Paul said he has Indonesian wife with 2 children, getting married at 42 years old, and he has been working in Indonesia for 15 years. Now he lives in Kemang. Paul loved Depok city with fresh air, having rendang as favorite food. He also feels nice with Indonesian people, making him to feel at home, like at his country, Wales with only 2 million population.

“Every people in Indonesia is so nice. People here are very civilized and friendly, very polite. In my country, quite rich country, but people are not so friendly, not respected each other.”

Again, Paul suggested students to study hard, work hard, as English is important, to have all opportunities in the world. While learning all things at school, Paul asked students to always ask questions to teachers.

Paul then asked students on why some countries are rich, and other countries are poor. What factors? And students answered, mentioning many issues, among others corruption, poor human resources, poor natural resources, government (leadership and policies), technology, globalization, and education.

“I come to Indonesia as I want to help government. This country is treated not fair in trade system, and this is very long story. I want help to address problem in trade system, to make Indonesia the best place,” Paul explained.

Noting that, Indonesia was ruled by Dutch for 350 years, and Dutch took Indonesia’s spices, set at low prices, to supply and export to Europe. Indonesia could not control the price, the harbor, the system in trade.

“Cocoa sent to Europe it is easy. Change cocoa to chocolate it is better, but it is very hard to add value, as international trade system is not fair. To many years Holland controlled this system,” Paul reminded.

After question and answer session, some 20 students expressed their job dreams, such as to be a doctor, animator, architect, foot ball player, basket ball player, singer, artist, director, CEO, song writer, writer, chef, astronaut, rider, and historian.

Sister Iren facilitated the question and answer session also dream job sharing. She was very happy as students were very active and they can understand what Mr. Paul have said to them.

Bu Leni, meanwhile, thanked to Mr Simon to have invited Mr Paul. “I wanna thank to Mr Simon as he can improve our English Club, with inviting foreigner, native speaker, Mr Paul. It must be interesting, students can share about dream job, and I look the students are very confident.”

Sister Iren added, the purpose of Paul’s visit is to practice students’ listening skill, also speaking skill. We have four major skill included in English Club–listening, speaking, writing, and reading.***

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